Trying to stay afloat!

So as i mentioned in my previous post, Shaheed and I always need to make sure that we’re on the same page where school is concerned so that we don’t miss anything (I’ve got the memory of a gold fish).

It can become quite a challenge having to remember everything – school excursions, assessments, collecting lists, assignments, etc (we have sticky notes, calenders and letters all over the fridge).

One of the things I found recently that really helps me to stay on top of things is this super cool diary from Momdiary. It literally covers everything that you could possibly think of…i love it! It helps me keep up with school times, extra murals, birthdays etc.

Isn’t it pretty! And comes in different colours ♥
These are some of the things that makes this diary so special. There’s also an affirmation/quote a the bottom of each page

Apart from school, there’s so many other things that one needs to remember. Mommy’s and Daddy’s brains work differently by nature. I think school and shopping lists, lunches and suppers. He thinks about everything but the above.

Another thing i can’t do without is a shopping list. I cannot shop without a shopping list! I go completely blank in the shop and i go home with less than half of the groceries that i was meant to buy. So i cannot do without my magnetic shopping list (available at Crazy Store for cheap cheap) that stays on the fridge and i jot down as i go about the month. If i run out, i write down immediately else i’ll forget. When i go to the shop i simply tear off the list and pop in my bag. I’ve tried using the memo on my phone but having to hold a phone and push a trolley doesn’t work for me…the paper is just simpler…besides i like writing 🙂

I love the mommy and baby elephants on this one. They have many other designs.

Let me know what are some of the things that assists you in being more organised and on top of things.

Lots of love💗


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